Last weekend the Doral Soccer Club had an exceptional weekend the teams U14 White, U15 White, U16 White and U17 Elite classified as the 4 best teams in the State in their respective divisions to play the semifinals of the most important tournament in Florida, which is the State Cup that was played in Auburndale Florida.
Three teams won semi finals on Saturday and went on and played Sunday, May 20, 2018 the State Finals, the U14 White team won finals becoming Florida State Champions, the U15 White and U17 Elite were runners-ups in the State.
It is a pride for our club to represent our City of Doral in this event for that reason we share the achievements obtained by our teams that with the great support of their families and coaches of our club anything can be possible.
We want to thank you also for the support we received from Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Doral and we hope to continue counting on your support to achieve better results and continue to place on high the name of our beautiful City of Doral.